Don’t Fail to Plan — Plan to Succeed!

"Everybody has a plan – Who sold you that plan and why did you buy it?"

Jim Rhone (1988)

Research has shown that organizations with clearly articulated core values prove to be the most successful. This presentation is tailor-made to increase awareness about a topic that is largely underutilized, yet essential to our success as human and business communities. A business plan is an effective tool in helping decision makers articulate what and who the organization is to be. The more people involved, the more effective the process and the greater number of informed opportunists are available to help the organization achieve its goals and vision.

Business planning is a process that involves stakeholders & external advisors working together to determine the short, medium, and long-term goals of an organization, while working within the stakeholders’ value framework.

This presentation helps you ask and answer questions like:

  • Where are you now?
  • Where do you want to be?
  • How will you get there?

This presentation provides templates and explanations on the various kinds of plans that combine to form the optimum plan for your farm. Then it considers which plans you must prioritize in your operation.

Types of plans discussed include:

  • Human Resource
  • Financial
  • Capital expenditure
  • Operations,
  • Marketing
  • Business Development
  • Product Development
  • Risk Management, or Strategic.

Finally, goal setting is key to any good plan—goals are the targets that plans enable you to hit. Reg helps you develop goal-setting practices that:

  • Eliminate worries.
  • Assist in prioritizing work.
  • Provides a sense of the size and scope of what lies ahead.
  • Provides a clear sense of direction.
  • Motivates and Inspires Your Team

Reg guides you through articulating your goals. To be achieved, they must be smart. To Reg, that means they have to be:

  • Specific – what are you going to do and how?
  • Measurable – How can the outcome be graded or evaluated?
  • Actionable/Attainable – steps can be taken to achieve the goal.
  • Realistic – within your capabilities.
  • Timely – How long will it take to achieve the goal? Date?
  • Followed-Up On—monitored in order to keep them on pace and on track

This presentation is an opportunity to formally design the future of your farm. Reg gives you the theory, tools, and templates to can develop a picture of your desired future, then forge ahead create it!